Keeping up to date with the constantly changing U.S. Customs rules and regulations is difficult. Most importers just don’t have the time, expertise or staff to stay on top of the changes in the Customs Regulations. 

The U.S. Customs Service’s Modernization and Informed Compliance Act (Mod Act) Public Law 103-82 instituted in December 1993 imposes on importers the responsibility for using reasonable care to enter, classify and value imported merchandise, and provide any other information necessary to enable Customs to properly assess duties, collect accurate statistics and determine whether any other applicable legal requirement is met. The failure of an importer of record to exercise reasonable care may lead to the imposition of penalties.

During the past 18 years, R.A. Piña & Associates, Inc.’s Customs Advisory Services (PCAS) has helped importers of maquila shipments and maquilas comply with the rules and regulations regarding importing into the United States and qualifying imported goods under Article 401 of the NAFTA. 

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